Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Missing U-----kraine

It's been almost two weeks since we've come back aand I miss it so much. Being there was awesome because there weren't any distractions but we just had one thing in mind: UKRAINE. Not to say I didn't think about home at all, but suprisingly I wasn't homesick at all. But now that we're back, I miss everything about being in Ukraine. The bonds we built with people but mostly each other in the team are things that aren't just temporary. We've become such good friends and we can talk to each other about so much, practically everything; we're like our own little family now =) I'm so glad that our team was made up of a bunch of "random" people where no one was really close with anyone else but it made us have to talk to new people, which is a good thing. Since we didn't really see anyone in Ukraine more than twice other than our translators, most of the time was just spent together with the team. Even though we still see each other in school, it's not the same as spending every waking hour together. And you'd think we'd get sick of each other after two weeks together, and some people did start getting irritated, but personally for me the time together made me appreciate everyone and just want to hang out with them more. One of the things I miss most about being in Ukraine is talking to people in the room till it gets late at night because at home I don't really have siblings or anyone to talk to. I'm so glad I participated on this outreach trip because I've learnt a lot from it. I know it should be like we're going there to teach and help other people but I think I've learned a lot and gained a lot. A big thing I learnt from being in Ukraine and with my team is that I can't judge others. That's something I "knew" but it was something I really experienced.

Talk about some stuff we did there later!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009


So currently it is 10:33 PM. Since our bus leaves PA at 6:15 AM tomorrow morning, that means that there is only 7 hours and 42 minutes until we leave. WOW.

This is going to be so amazing... and probably a little stressful, too.
The weather forecast says it's going to snow on Saturday and Sunday in Kiev, and we're arriving in Kiev on Saturday afternoon. So please pray that we all get our luggage on time (without too much dampness), that we arrive safely, and that nobody catches a cold on the first day. :D

If we don't post again until we get back, please pray for our team! Doing God's work is going to take a lot of effort but I'm sure it'll be worth it.

[I'll bet half of us aren't even going to sleep tonight. I certainly won't be--I'll be up late again, trying to learn more Russian in the last minute. To those who CAN sleep--good night!]


<---back OUR TEAM SHIRT front--> Our other shirts are the same except the colours are switched.
that is all the outreach teams !!!! Team Ukraine is wearing blue at the top right corner...see the flag?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


It's so exciting and some of my friends are gone already!! It's so soon; it's almost unbelievable. I can't wait yay. Just wanted to say THANKYOU BCEFC for that exciting envelope energy boost. It inspired me to make cards for my friends going other places...very very exciting. =D

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Songs we are doing

How Great Thou Art (Velykiy Bog)
Come, Now is the Time to Worship (Vstan)
Thou Art Worthy, Great Jehovah (Tee Dostoyen)

English Songs:
Better is One Day
Your Love Is Amazing (Hallelujah)
Who Am I
The Lord is Gracious and Compassionate
Hosanna (Praise is Rising)

Kids' Songs:
Who's the King of the Jungle
Give Thanks
I am a C-
I Have the Joy
If You're Happy and You Know It
Hallelu (Praise ye the Lord)
Happy All the Time
The B-I-B-L-E
Jesus Loves Me
Oh Be Careful Little Eyes
The Wise Man
The Little Light of Mine
Glorify Thy Name
God is so Good
He's Got the Whole World

Team Passage

Ephesians 4: 4-6
There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope when you were called— one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

To Team Ukraine

Hi guys..yes I made a blog. To attempt to tell our friends and churches more details and also for YOU to write too. So please do. Maybe something about outreach and Ukraine and our team would be nice..haha. Anyways packing day is Wednesday so bring everything except for personal use stuff. THREE DAYS LEFT. AAAAAAH

Monday, March 9, 2009

michelle sucks jk



Where we are going


Friday the 13th. First we bus to Seattle to leave from SeaTac? Airport then flying to Amsterdam. We have two hours to speedily tranfer and then we're flying to Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. We will take an overnight train to Armyansk. The next morning we'll be doing a church service which we're prepping this Wednesday. One night we'll be hanging out with a youth group from that church. Most of our time will be sharing ta universities and schools. The second half of the trip we'll be in Kerch, helping out an orphanages, churches, and youth groups. We have one day of sightseeing in Yalta after Kerch then bus to Simferopol to get on the train to Kiev. We'll have the remainder of that day in Kiev to sightsee too before coming back on the 26th!

This area is called Crimea (dark green), in the southern part of Ukraine (green). On the blue picture it's regions numbered 16 (Armyansk), 19 (Kerch), and 25 (Yalta).

Uh I don't know why the font is so incredibly big?

Stuff we are doing

The first week we'll be doing church services, talking/sharing/doing skits at universities, and visiting a couple orphanages.
Skits we have planned are Everything by Lifehouse (go look on youtube..there's lots of them but we've revamped it a little bit haha), The Power of One (everyone can do something to help), and Parts of a Machine (like it sounds..we each get one action and one sound that we repeat every four beats and we have to work together in order for the goal to be accomplished, which is to move marbles from one side of the stage to another).
Crafts we're trying to do are balloon animals, "salvation" bracelet (using special colours each representing something good),face painting, paper bag puppets (lions and sheep), cotton ball fluffy sheep, colouring pages, stuff with pipe cleaners, etc.
In the second week we'll be helping renovate a church so painting and those kinds of things.


четыре = 四 = quatre = sa = 4 = the number of days until we leave!

I know I should have started this earlier but better late than never right? Anyways if you want specific names for people on the team to pray for here we go:

  • Paul Horban, the principal of the Pacific Academy's high school

  • Werner Engler, an English and Geography teacher

  • Sharon Scott, school secretary

Team members:
  • Alice

  • Anne

  • Carmela

  • Daniel

  • David

  • Davis

  • Josh

  • Melanie

  • Shawn

  • SungJin (there are you happy now)

  • Tori

  • and Michelle =)